General Terms and Conditions for Participation in the Raffle of the
Company Statement clo GmbH ("Organizer") and the Participating Customer


1. subject of the conditions of participation and organizer

These conditions of participation regulate the conditions for participation in the raffle as well as any necessary transfer of rights. The description and the procedure of the respective raffle take place within the framework of the respective raffle campaign on the homepage of the organizer.
The organizer of the raffle is Statement clo GmbH, Preußweg 101 52074 Aachen. With the purchase of goods during the time of the raffle, these conditions of participation are accepted.

2. participation

Participation in the raffle of Statement clo GmbH, hereinafter referred to as the organizer, is tied to a purchase of goods in the context of the Black Friday promotion. A purchase of goods exists if after the expiration of the statutory return period, no return of the goods has been carried out or announced.

Participation is governed exclusively by these terms and conditions. In order to participate in the raffle, it is necessary to fill in the correct first and last name, address and email address during checkout.
Participation is only possible within the participation period. Orders received after the closing date will not be taken into account in the draw.

Participation in the raffle is possible from 20.11.2022 12:00h until 25.11.2022 23:59h. Within this period, customers who buy items of the Black Friday promotion automatically participate in the raffle.

3. eligibility

Participation is open to natural persons who are resident in the European Union or Switzerland and have reached the age of 18. Participation is restricted to customers of the organizer and is dependent on the purchase of goods.
Should a participant be restricted in his legal capacity, the consent of his legal representative is required.
All persons and employees of the organizer and affiliated companies involved in the conception and implementation of the raffle as well as the relatives of such employees and their relatives are not eligible to participate in the raffle.
Participation with fake identities or with identities of third parties is not permitted.
One winning ticket will be created for each item purchased.
The organizer reserves the right, at its own discretion, to exclude persons from participation in
if there are justified reasons. Such reasons
exist in particular in the case of:

  • Manipulations in connection with access to or implementation of the raffle
  • Violations of these conditions of participation
  • unfair trading or
  • false or misleading information in connection with participation in the raffle.

If the excluded participant is a winner who has already been drawn, the prize may be subsequently revoked.

4. winnings, notification of winnings and transmission of the winnings

We will raffle the following prizes among all eligible participants:
  •  Win 1#: Mercedes Benz C-Coupe (2016) in AMG look

The winners will be determined on 29.01.2023 by a random draw among all participants.
random draw among all participants. Each participant will be allocated one raffle ticket for each item purchased.
The participants who are winners of the raffle will be informed promptly via a
informed about the prize via a separate e-mail / cover letter / telephone call.
The delivery of the prize will be made exclusively to the participant who has participant who has won, or to the legal representative of the legally incapable participant. The prize will be handed over to the winner by the organizer.
A exchange, transfer, self-collection or cash payment of the prize is not possible. cash payment of the prize is not possible.
Any costs incurred for shipping the prizes will be borne by the organizer. organizer.
The organizer is not responsible for delivery damages.
Any additional costs associated with the claiming of the prize shall be borne by the participant who has won. The participant who has won is responsible for any is the responsibility of the participant who has won.
If the participant, who has won, does not report after two requests within a period of
within a period of 3 weeks, the claim to the prize shall expire. The organizer is entitled to conduct a substitute draw and to transfer the prize to another participant. then transfer the prize to another participant.

If circumstances occur for which the organizer is not responsible, the respective the respective participant who has won, an appropriate substitute prize.

5. termination of the draw

The organizer reserves the right to prematurely terminate the raffle in whole or in part or to change its course at any time, even without observing deadlines and without prior notice or notification of reasons, if it is not possible for technical reasons (e.g. computer virus, manipulation of or errors in software/hardware) or legal reasons to guarantee proper and scheduled implementation of the raffle.

6. data protection

For participation in the raffle, the provision of personal data (first and last name, e-mail and postal address is required. The participant assures that the personal data provided by him, in particular first name, last name, e-mail address, postal address and date of birth are true and correct.

The organizer is responsible for the collection, processing and use of personal data of the participants. The organizer will use the personal data of the personal data of the participant as well as his other personal data only within the within the framework of the statutory provisions of data protection law. The organizer points out that all personal data of the participant will be neither data will not be disclosed to third parties or made available to third parties without the third parties for their use.

The organizer will store, process and use the information only insofar as this is use the information only insofar as this is necessary for the implementation of the raffle or if the a consent of the participant is available.

In the event of a win, the participant who has won agrees to the publication of his/her name and place of name and place of residence in the media used by the organizer. media used by the organizer. This includes the This includes the announcement of the winner on the website of the organizer and its social media platforms.

The participant is authorized to obtain information from the organizer about this personal data. personal data as well as to demand their correction,
if the personal data concerning him/her are incorrect. At the purposes of the processing, the participant shall have the right to request the the completion of incomplete personal data - also by means of a supplementary declaration. also by means of a supplementary declaration.

7 Applicable law

Questions and complaints in connection with the raffle should be addressed to the organizer.

The raffle of the organizer is exclusively subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany. The legal process is excluded

8. severability clause

If any provision of these Terms and Conditions of Participation is or becomes invalid in whole or in part, this shall not affect the validity of the rest of these Terms and Conditions of Participation. The invalid provision shall be replaced by a legally permissible provision that most closely approximates the economic intent and purpose of the invalid provision. The same shall apply in the event of a loophole in these Terms and Conditions of Participation.